Brantas Abipraya is spreading fish seeds to promote the spirit of caring for and protecting the ecosystem in the Brigif Reservoir

Jakarta, 27 February 2024 - Not only continue to focus on developing the country through superior infrastructure works, PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) Also shows its contribution in caring for and loving the environment through the Social and Environmental Responsibility (TJSL) program. This is proven by the activity of spreading fish seeds in the Brigif Reservoir construction project which has been completed by Brantas Abipraya.
"This activity is our, Brantas Abipraya, effort to improve ecology to perfect the ecological conditions in the Brigif Reservoir Development environment. "The fish seeds stocked include Nilem Fish, Gurami Fish and Tawes Fish," he said Tumpang Muhammad, Director of Human Resources and General Affairs Brantas Abipraya.
Tumpang added, this activity is also a manifestation of Brantas Abipraya's seriousness as one of the state-owned construction BUMNs that is always there for Indonesia. Through the TJSL Program, especially in the Environmental Development Pillar, Brantas Abipraya will continue to fully contribute to providing positive benefits to the community and the environment.
According to him, this activity is very important to preserve the reservoir and its future use. It is also hoped that this will help improve the community's economy. Tumpang also expressed his deepest gratitude to the Water Resources (SDA) Service of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR), the South Jakarta Maritime, Agriculture and Food Security Service who also contributed to the success of this activity.
"Hopefully this collaboration will strengthen good relationships and the support and cooperation that has been established can contribute to efforts to preserve the environment, as well as freshwater fish ecosystems," added Tumpang.
As additional information, Brantas Abipraya's seriousness in implementing the TJSL program, especially in the environmental development pillar, namely Abipraya Cares for the Environment, can also be seen from several other activities. One of the things this construction company is doing is reforesting the dam area that is being worked on, such as greening the Padang Guci 1 and 2 PLTM projects in Bengkulu as well as the greenbelt of the Tukul Pacitan Reservoir and Ciawi Dam, namely greening the upstream of the Ciliwung and Cisadane rivers.
Abipraya Cares for the Environment also has a program to plant 12,500 sengon trees in Babakan Madang village, Sentul, Bogor, West Java. Abipraya also planted 800 fruit trees consisting of durian, mango and pine in the Padang Guci PLTM Project area 1 and 2. This planting also directly partnered with local communities with an intercropping pattern with vegetable plants under the stands of fruit trees and protectors.
Previously, Brantas Abipraya collaborated with seven other Karya State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) to plant 100,000 mangrove seedlings in an area of 3.5 hectares (ha) in the Timbulsloko area, Demak, Central Java (Central Java) Province in order to celebrate the Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia 78th.
"The community is an important part of the progress of Brantas Abipraya, this is proof of our commitment as a construction BUMN, we are not only focused on developing Indonesia through infrastructure works but also by contributing to prosperity, helping others through the TJSL program. The progress of Brantas Abipraya is also of course the support of the community around, that's why we invest in the community and environment in the form of the TJSL program," concluded Tumpang Muhammad.